Young Spirit Eternal Leesha x Levenghyl Phoenix
Wir planen unseren ersten Wurf mit Leesha und haben uns für Levenghyl Phoenix entschieden. Dieser Rüde hat uns vom ersten Moment an gefallen, sowohl vom Aussehen als auch von seinem netten, unkomplizierten Wesen.
Am 28. und 29. September wurde Leesha von Phoenix völlig problemlos gedeckt.
Am 25. November erblickten 4 Rüden und eine Hündin das Licht der Welt.
Hier die Ahnentafel der Welpen:
Phoenix steht in Dänemark und seine Besitzerin Tanja Thorsen beschreibt ihn so:
"Phoenix moved in with me when he was 16 months old, he was not trained so much, he has learned a lot in short time. He loves to train and his strength is undoubtedly his good nose; he is very good at keeping an area. He is a big strong dog who thrives best with a hard and difficult terrain, with blackberries and cover, he loves to jump. When he is free, he is a happy "puppy", who likes to play the day long with my real puppy.
I can trust him with any puppy at any age, he is nice to all. He is allso nice to other dogs, would never go into a fight, he would go away.
Since all my dogs live inside the house, it's important they can learn to relax and he has a nice off-button.
Just as silly and happy he can be when he plays with other dogs, just as focused is he when he has to train, then it is ONLY what he thinks about. He can train with heated bitches. He is not afraid of anything, there could jump a bomb next to him, he would just look and think "ohh, funny".
He is very social and happy for all People.
All in all, a dog where you get what you see."
Bilder von Phoenix:
Wir versprechen uns aus diesem Wurf freundliche und sehr arbeitsfreudige Hunde, die ihren Anlagen entsprechend gearbeitet werden möchten.
Welpen aus dieser Verpaarung geben wir bevorzugt an Jäger und/oder dummybegeisterte Menschen ab.
Als reine Familienhunde sind sie nicht geeignet.